Presenting at the ASLE-UKI Locating Ecocriticism: Systems, Methodologies, Contexts conference at UCD, Dublin

Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 01.10.02 At the end of this month Cathy Fitzgerald is presenting her artful eco forest research-in-progress at the 2014 ASLE-UKI (United Kingdom and Ireland) Postgraduate Conference "Locating Ecocriticism: Systems, Methodologies, Contexts: in Dublin, 30-31 July 2014, at University College, Dublin.

The Anthropocene Project 2013-14 Berlin

Update 2021: I wrote the below post when I began my doctoral studies. My studies changed to embrace broader developments in the art and ecology field and to specifically explain long term ecological art practices. I now teach a unique ONLINE course - the Haumea Essential Ecoliteracy 7-week course - to help creatives and art…Read more The Anthropocene Project 2013-14 Berlin

Presenting the ecocidal eye in Melbourne: and ecocide motion adopted by The Green Party of England and Wales

Presenting the ecocidal eye in Melbourne: and ecocide motion adopted by The Green Party of England and WalesThanks to the Irish Arts Council for supporting my presentation with a 2012 Visual Arts Travel and Training AwardIt has been great recently to share my work in the southern hemisphere (I grew up in New Zealand but…Read more Presenting the ecocidal eye in Melbourne: and ecocide motion adopted by The Green Party of England and Wales