Presenting at the ASLE-UKI Locating Ecocriticism: Systems, Methodologies, Contexts conference at UCD, Dublin

Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 01.10.02 At the end of this month Cathy Fitzgerald is presenting her artful eco forest research-in-progress at the 2014 ASLE-UKI (United Kingdom and Ireland) Postgraduate Conference "Locating Ecocriticism: Systems, Methodologies, Contexts: in Dublin, 30-31 July 2014, at University College, Dublin.

Smallest forest in Ireland inspected for new COFORD Low Impact Silviculture Systems (LISS) survey

Not quite a year ago I was putting up a notice online for ProSilva Ireland's website (I help look after their online communications) about Ireland's forest research organisation COFORD. COFORD was asking public and private landowners who were managing their forests using Close-to-Nature methods (this term is more recognised in Europe but it gives an…Read more Smallest forest in Ireland inspected for new COFORD Low Impact Silviculture Systems (LISS) survey