Angel of the Ash trees – Ireland’s new forests-a-growing near Hollywood

In recent weeks Ireland has lost millions of trees to Storm Darwin, 12 Feb 2014. Here Cathy Fitzgerald talks about the beginnings of Hollywood, the smallest Close-to-Nature continuous cover forest in Ireland and the nearby forest plantings it has inspired

The black space and Ash dieback news in Ireland

My experimental film ‘The black space (resilience) of the Ash night’ (2013) was recently selected for the 2013 UCD Science Expression film festival. The film was shown with others in a mobile pop-up cinema to celebrate and reflect on the natural world. It was held at the Botanic Gardens, Dublin 1-3 Nov. My thanks to…Read more The black space and Ash dieback news in Ireland

more ash night shots – fire and opera

Over the last week or so, with an unusual spell of dry weather, I've been taking more night shots of my young Ash trees. The other night, after coming home late from a meeting, when driving into our small forest I noticed our mountain was on fire.  Its the time of year that local farmers…Read more more ash night shots – fire and opera